Educational Environment and Employability Skills: An Empirical Study

Sanitha K K
Employability Skill Educational Environment Graduate students Curriculum Pedagogy Institutional Infrastructure


India is one of the country in the world has huge reservoir of manpower. By the year 2022, India will become world’s youngest nation. Presently, with one of the highest youth population in the world, India has rampant opportunities and challenges. One of the biggest challenges is to make this pool of talents to be employable (India Skill Report, 2016). Enhancement of employability skills of youth is the key issue India is facing. Many new initiatives have been launched by the Government to improve the employability skills of youth. This study is mainly focused to learn the influence of educational environment on enhancing or developing the employability skills of graduate students at University level. One of the important factors which influence the employability skills of graduate students is the educational environment. The major constructs of educational environment considered for the study are Curriculum, Pedagogy and Institutional Infrastructure. The result of the study revealed that educational environment has an impeccable influence on the employability skills of the graduate students. Therefore the study result leads to the reality that educational institutions and Universities have crucial role to play for the construction of employable graduates to serve to the nation and society as such. Multistage stratified random sampling technique is used for the study. The unit of the study is final year degree students of Government and Aided Arts and Science colleges in Kerala. The sample size is 828 students.

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