Digital Divide Information Communication and Technology Common Service centers (CSC) Akshaya e-kendra’s.


“The illiterate of the future are not those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn” – Alvin Toffler (quoted by Terry Paulson 2006) In recent years digital divide has attracted attentions of both academicians and policy makers for socio-economic developments. Concept of digital divide has many dimensions and there are many technical and non technical gaps to measure the digital divide. Thus in context of present paper digital divide essentially means computer and internet knowledge divide .In the context of present paper digital divide means ‘ have’ and ‘have not’ in computer knowledge and internet knowledge among beneficiaries at Akshaya e-Kendra’s in Kerala. This paper specifically analyzes the depth of knowledge in computer and internet prevailing among beneficiaries at Akshaya e-kendras and to assess the importance of common service centers like Akshaya e- Kendra’s in the state. Keywords: Digital Divide, Information Communication and Technology, Common Service centers (CSC) , Akshaya e-kendra’s.

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